
What are Shining Lights?

What is a Shining Light?

A Shining Light award is given to a child who the class teacher or TA believes has demonstrated our core values during the week. They may have shown great responsibility in their learning, behaviour or management of relationships. They may have shown acceptance of others needs, beliefs or personal situations. They may have demonstrated forgiveness or have shown a strong sense of justice.


Our Core Values



Accepting responsibility for our actions and the effect they have on ourselves and others.

Accepting responsibility to use our talents to their full.

Learning to accept responsibility for stewardship of the world.



Accepting the differences of others.

Showing empathy and compassion for others.



Learning to understand that forgiveness needs to be given and accepted and that this can be challenging.

Understanding that forgiveness can help to repair damage or hurt made.

Understanding that we all make mistakes and that we can learn from them.



Understanding that fairness is important for all.

Fairness and justice can mean supporting some more than others.

Understanding that we all have a role to play in creating a fair world.