Puddletown First School is committed to safeguarding all our children, all staff and volunteers are subject to rigorous checks including DBS checks

Staffing structure and Governing committee

Staffing structure at Puddletown First School

 Leadership team

Head of School - Mrs A seal

Class teachers


YR - Mrs Flux

Y1 class teachers - Mrs A Roff

Y2 class teachers - Mrs B Murphy (Mon-Weds) and  Miss J Cutler (Thurs-Fri)

Y3 class teacher - Miss G Bridge

Y4 class teacher -Miss H Crankshaw

Teaching assistants

Reception teaching assistant - Mrs B Newton

Y1 teaching assistant - Mr M Humphrys 

Y2 teaching assistant - Mrs J Barkle

Y3 teaching assistant -  Mrs A Ward

Y4 teaching assistant - Mrs C McCarthy

SEN teaching assistants & SENDCO - Miss Cutler,  D. Dackham    To contact email office@puddletownfirst.dorset.sch.uk                                                                

Admin team

School admin officer - Mrs J Cheatle


Lunchtime supervisors 

Kitchen staff
Mrs Miles and Miss Kellaway

Lunchtime supervisors

 Mrs C Mears & school support staff


Extended schools provision

Mrs C McCarthy,  Mrs J Barkle, Miss Dackham & Mrs Newton


Local Governing Committee


Mrs L Evans  -  Chair of Governors        to contact;  email the clerk: cwhite@wessex.ac

Jo Crankshaw   - Foundation Governor

Mrs J Whiting - Foundation Governor 


Mrs A Seal - Headteacher 


Mrs R Partridge - Parent Governor & Vice Chair 

Mrs L Tidbury - Co opted Governor

Mrs S Morris - Parent Governor 

Mr M Humphrys - Staff Governor

Natalie Collier - Co opted Governor


Named Governor Roles:    

Finance & Health and Safety – to link with Headteacher on H&S including the annual audit and action plans as well as links to Wessex MAT policy

Laura Evans

RE/Collective Worship – to contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the SIAMS action plan and annual subject reviews. To complete regular school visits and/or learning walks. Liaise with Subject Leader.

 Julia Whiting

Safeguarding/named person/LAC – to be involved in the annual safeguarding audit and review with the Designated Lead (HT). Liaise and report on same to LGB

Rachel Partridge

Maths – To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the SDP/Wessex MAT plan in school. Liaise with Subject Leader. Complete regular school visits/learning walks


HT Performance Management – Meet with HT each term to monitor performance against targets. Attend formal review meeting in the autumn term

Laura Evans/ Julia Whiting

New Governor Induction – Ensure any new governor has access to relevant training and documents. Arrange informal visit to school to complete a learning walk/exchange general information.

Anna Seal

SEND and Disadvantaged Pupils – To be involved in an annual report to Governors and the review of the Policy as on website. To meet with the SENCO regularly  and update the LGB termly

Laura Evans/Jo Crankshaw

EYFS – To meet with EYFS leader and monitor development plan for this stage. Complete regular school visits/learning walks and feedback to the LGB.

Natalie Collier

English – To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the SDP/Wessex MAT plan in school. Liaise with Subject Leader. Complete regular school visits/learning walks.

Lauren Tidbury

Science – To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the implantation of the SDP/Wessex MATplan in school. Liaise with the Subject Leader. Compete regular school visits/learning walks

Julia Whiting and Lauren Tidbury


Julia Whiting

Learning Outside the Classroom

Natalie Collier

Emotional and Physical Wellbeing, PSHE

Rachel Partridge and Julia Whiting



Committee for appeals (exclusions) – The exact membership of the panel if needed, will be guided by the nature of the appeal. The Chair will invite members to sit on this group who are totally unaware of the content of the appeal.

 To be confirmed as appropriate when required, but excludes Chair